Back-to-School Tech Tips with Amber Mac 2022
by Amber Mac on August 17, 2022
With back-to-school just a few short days away for many of us, it’s a good time to get organized when it comes to technology. Here are some essential tech tips for a smooth September and the products to make it happen.
Choose a Long-Lasting Laptop
Choose a lightweight laptop with amazing WiFi speed and connectivity, 10.5 hours of battery life, and is Intel EVO-certified (which means it’s passed high quality and performance standards).
Get Better Wifi Coverage
Eliminate wireless pain points with this WiFi 6e whole home mesh system, which can cover up to a 5,500 square-foot home – it even lets parents pause the internet whenever you need for homework time!
Protect Family Devices
Norton 360 Deluxe helps protect your kids’ devices from threats such as malware & spyware, minimizes online distractions when doing schoolwork, plus a VPN for online privacy.
Buy Refurbished Tech
eBay Refurbished Samsung Tablet
Get great value on like-new products from big brand names with eBay Refurbished (such as this Samsung tablet). High quality is guaranteed with rigorous program standards and all items include eBay’s Money Back Guarantee, so there’s no sacrificing quality or peace of mind for savings.
Tip: you’ll notice a couple of these tips and products mention WiFi 6e, which is a new WiFi standard that offers up more bandwidth, faster speeds, and lower latency.
Thank you to our brand partners supporting this Back-to-School Tech Campaign: Intel, TP-Link, Norton, and eBay.