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New Podcast Launch: This is Mining

In this 4-part series, we’re going to explore stories of human transformation connected to Ontario’s mining industry.  You may be surprised to learn how our abundance of minerals offers hope for the future and the opportunity to make the world a better place.

Episode 1: Economic Hope & the Path to Reconciliation: A conversation with Glenn Nolan, VP Government Affairs, Noront Resources

His father had a grade three education and his daughter is a university-educated banking professional. According to Glenn Nolan, past Chief of the Missanabie Cree in Ontario, his community’s self-sufficiency is rooted in the development of natural resources on their traditional lands. From hunter-gatherers to captains of industry within 3 generations, economic hope leads to economic freedom. It all started in the late 1940s with a small spark of hope for the Missanabie Cree.

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This is Mining: The Podcast is produced by AmberMac Media, Inc. in partnership with the Ontario Mining Association.

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