May 2, 2016
Dan Lyons (AKA the Fake Steve Jobs) shares stories from his new hit book about Silicon Valley, including the harsh reality of teddy bear meetings. Β Plus, director Alex J Mann joins us with a behind-the-scenes chat about his Snapchat horror short. Β Also, we catch up with Michael Josh about… Read More
May 1, 2016
For Moms and Dads, itβs increasingly difficult and stressful to parent. Not only are children more comfortable with technology than adults, theyβre also getting better at hiding behind it. As a result, kids are diving into all sorts of dangerous situations online and parents arenβt equipped to save them. In… Read More
April 27, 2016
We talk to Christina Vuleta from Forbes about their new podcast network. Plus, we get caught up with what is trending in virtual reality with Tony Lacavera from Globalive. Also, a new app that scores the value of your home. Listen to the episode through the Podbean player above,… Read More
April 13, 2016
Kevin Scott from the Canadian Identity Theft Prevention Services tells us how to protect ourselves online, Brittlestar joins us in studio to talk about how the music industry is going after Viners,Β and we introduce you an unforgettable social umbrella. Listen to the episode through the Podbean player above,… Read More
April 7, 2016
Most people have a lot going on in their lives and sometimes it can be really hard to prioritize what you want to get accomplished each day. This may be the case for projects at home, but I find it even more useful for a day at work. If you’re… Read More
April 6, 2016
We talk to Greg Moon, co-founder of PopSLATE, a company that is putting a second screen on your favorite Apple product. Β Plus, Michael Josh tells us why bigger isn’t always better in tech. Β Finally, one of the contributors of Women in Tech shares her… Read More
March 30, 2016
This week on The Feed, Michael and I celebrate Twitter’s 10th birthday with Twitter Canada’s Managing Director Rory Capern. Also on the show, how adoption and technology come together with Binti. Plus, why women still can’t land senior roles in the tech industry and… Read More
March 23, 2016
Iβve been speaking professionally on stage for the better part of the past decade. While Iβve hosted a few events and workshops for my agencyβsΒ clients, the vast majority of my work is thanks to my speakerβs bureau, The Lavin Agency. After helping me to secure a book deal… Read More
March 22, 2016
On this week’s episode of The Feed, best-selling author and entrepreneur Gary Vee joins us with tips on how to run your business like a rock star. Also on the show, Michael and I talk how social media is influencing fashion and what you need to know… Read More
March 15, 2016
On this week’s episode of The Feed,Β We dive into do-it-yourself headphones for the perfect fit, Brittlestar coaches Olympic athletes on the secrets of Vine, and we debate what Google should do about fake reviews. Listen to the episode through the Podbean player above,… Read More